This book on ‘Corruption in Bangladesh: Causes, Costs and Remedies’ has explored the nature, forms, types, causes, costs and remedies of administrative corruption in the service-delivery sectors of Bangladesh – a developing country of South Asia. A behavioural approach was adopted while conducting the field survey on 10 service-delivery sectors of Bangladesh in Dhaka city. The 10 selected sectors were: law enforcement, education, healthcare, power supply, water supply, banking services, income tax, value added tax, municipal services and land administration. An attempt was made in the study to recommend some remedial measures for curbing administrative corruption in the public sector services by catering to the perceptions of both service-recipients and service-providers regarding the causes, costs and remedies of administrative corruption.
The findings from the study reinforced the view elaborated by the researcher in the conceptual framework that Bangladesh society was caught in a cycle of vice and vengefulness, aided and abetted by ‘demonstration effect’ and ‘bandwagon effect’ of corruption in administrative transactions, and the behavioural aspects of corruption were as important as the structural and functional ones for its proper understanding.
Corruption in Bangladesh: Causes, Costs and Remedies
Helal Uddin Ahmed